lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

current event # 6

Former Miss.Argentina dies after a plastic surgery!
On Sunday Miss Argentina died after a plastic surgery(buttocks). Solange Mangano age 37 and mom of 7 years old twins,died after a plastic buttox surgery.The news shocked her fans. They made a tribute on facebook ,that now has 830 members. Some comments where:""This is a horrible day. We will miss you, Sol," one Facebook poster wrote. And:"You couldn't be any more beautiful than you already were," another person added. " had to pay with your life.""In the recent years, Argentina has become globally famous in plastic surgeries. Therefore, the doctors have become very experienced.
We think that it is very amazing that Argentina has that reputation. We also think that it is very bad that the kids will be very bad.People should accept them as they are, and not change themselfes with plastic surgery.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Current Event #5

Police: Dead suspect had officer's gun

The police officers say that the suspect, that killed four police men in Lakewood, Washington, had a gun of one of the police men when he was shot and killed Tuesday. "A Seattle officer on routine patrol shot and killed Maurice Clemmons, 37, in south Seattle after Clemmons challenged him" the authorities say. This happened about 40 miles south of Seattle.Chief Bret Farrar, a police officer, thanked his police men for the

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

Current Event# 4

icebergs floating towards coast of New Zealand
It is the second time in 78 years that an iceberg moves. 100 icebergs were first seen off the coast of Macquarie Island, that is an Australian area near Tasmania. These icebergs seem to be now 200 miles away from New Zealand.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Current Event #3

Evidence is still fuzzy on cell phones, cancer
New reasherches from the Pittsburgh University, Cancer Institute, show that radiation from cell phones may cause cancer. Radiation is caused by sending calls from the phone. It is still harmfull to hold them close to the body and parents should not allow children to use cell phones, just incase of an emergency.
We think that this will affect us because alot of people depend on cell phones for communication and if the cell phones really cause cancer it will make alot of people die.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Current Event #2

Galciers disappearing in Kilimanjaro
This article is about how the glaciers are deasappering in Kilimanjaro. Scientific researchs show that the ice is melting 1% each year. It is now 85% lower than it was in 1912. The temperature is -35 degrees and it is still melting. If it keeps melting the world's water will rise and it will sink about half of the world. All the coasts will sink and only the center of each country and/or continent will survive.
If these climate problems continue, the glaciers will disappear in the next two decades. If this happens Tanzania will lose 50 million dolars because all the turism that those glaciers brought would desappear and alot of people would lose their jobs bacause they work in turism to show the glaciers.
We think that if this continues, its not only going to affect Tanzania economicly but all the world because it will rise the water's level and all of the places that have to do with ice will drop down economicly too.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Curent Event #1

30 children among 160 killed in Iraq bombings, Interior Ministry Says.
At least 30 kids out of 160 people were killed in a bombing in Baghdad, Iraq last Sunday.
There were two bombs. One exploded in the governorate buliding, and the other one in the Justice Ministry. The children that were killed, were riding a bus parked near the Jusitce Minsitry. The bomb was attached to a car parked in the parking lot of the buliding.

We think that this might affect our dailly lives because people are more and more scared because they are not safe anywhere.