lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Current Event #4

Plane crash survivor recalls escape!

In Manglaore, India there was a plane accident. one of the survivors was interviewed and she told the story of the accident. She thought she was a sleep and than she realized that she was on a plain accident and her leg hurt a lot. Of 166 persons in the plane 155 died. She says that a farmer rescued her and she thinks this accident happened because the pilot instead of slowing it down he speed it up.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Current Event #3

Man attacks girls with a cleaver in China
A man of estimate of 20 years old, attacked six young women. This man attacked them with a meat cleaver in a chinese market at 7 p.m. All of the women were hospitalized and two seriously injured. Witness said the the man woul attack avry young women that he found. After committing this crime the men suicide from a three story building.

We think this is not normal. Maybe the had a psycho logic problem or he had used some drugs that cause him this rush

miƩrcoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Current Event #2

A 10-year-old child survived plane crash!
In Libya, a plane crashed going from Johanesburg. This plane had 93 passengers and 11 crew members, and was of the
Afriqiyah Airways. The palne was about to land of its 9-hour flight. The goverment says that at least 100 people died from all over the world. NOw, 96 bodies are recovered and are back to they're family. A 10-year-old child survived the plane crash. He is now in surgery in Libya, and he is recovering. This kid appears to be Dutch, and he has suffered bone injuries. The goverment says"We express our sincere regret and sadness on behalf of the airline. As well, we would like to express our condolences to the relatives and friends of those who had passengers on Flight 8U771 destined for Tripoli late last night, due to arrive around 6 o'clock this morning," she said."

We think that it is very sad that all of those people had to die. we also think that it is a miracle that the kid had survived, and is in surgery. We hope that the kid didn't loose his family and that he will be good someday.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Current event #1

Industrial Fishing is killing our oceans
A landmark study made by the University of California revealed that only four percent of the world's oceans remains untouched by humans. (fishing, polution climate changes and more) Global seafood catch in the late 1980's has been declined in despite of a faster technology used to catch fish. We've eaten a lot of fish. 80 percent of seafood species are recovering of the depletion. 80 percent of the seafood in America is imported. Much of it comes from poor countries this is the way that local communities support their economy. The excessive way of fishing is harming the marine habitat. Centuries of old habitats such as cora gardens are being destroyed in a second. Oceans have remarkable ressistance if we let them bounce back, they will have the opportunity to recuperate.

We think that we have to take good care of our planet because if not we will be left with no touristic reasources such as the coral gardens. We have to moderate our fishing to onaly what we need.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Current Event #4

Diamonds aren't forever? De Beers to cut supply!

De beers believes that the use of diamonds shouldn't be as much as it is used right now. They say that the diamonds should be on protection because it is really to get them because they only find them on on Russia and Africa on their mines. Now the diamonds are 5% sold and on 2016 the 16% will be sold so they will try to maintain the diamonds over the next years. There price will increase so people don't buy them as much.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Current event # 3

Ugranda's king turns 18
Ugranda has a teen king. He is turning, now 18 years old. He is among the world's younguest monarcks. He assended to the throne at the age of three, after his father died. As a minor, kingdom officials had adviced or helped him rule because of his age. Teen can now make major desitions on his own. This king feels turning 18, is a big responsability. He has a lot of support of his mother.

We think that it is great to have a young king. But, don't forget that he is a teen, he can't make desitions. It is good that he has all of good support to make better desitions.

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Current Event # 2

11 dead in Italy train derailment!

Eleven people where killed in Italy when there was a train accident in Bolzano! 20 passengers where injured and 5 in really serious consequences. This train rail was inaugurated in 2005 and the accident happened because there was a broken irrigation pipe. The train lose control and went to crash to 2 tress near Adige River.

In my opinion this train rail should be more secure and need to be checked there status so accidents like this happens.