Industrial Fishing is killing our oceans
A landmark study made by the University of California revealed that only four percent of the world's oceans remains untouched by humans. (fishing, polution climate changes and more) Global seafood catch in the late 1980's has been declined in despite of a faster technology used to catch fish. We've eaten a lot of fish. 80 percent of seafood species are recovering of the depletion. 80 percent of the seafood in America is imported. Much of it comes from poor countries this is the way that local communities support their economy. The excessive way of fishing is harming the marine habitat. Centuries of old habitats such as cora gardens are being destroyed in a second. Oceans have remarkable ressistance if we let them bounce back, they will have the opportunity to recuperate.
We think that we have to take good care of our planet because if not we will be left with no touristic reasources such as the coral gardens. We have to moderate our fishing to onaly what we need.
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